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Monday, February 23, 2009

Youth Leadership Forum jointly convened at Parliament House Sydney

This Youth Leadership Forum was jointly convened with Dr. Peter Wong MLC of the Unity party, we were joined by Mr. Rowan Woods, producer of the hit Australian movie "Little Fish" and Ms. Cladia Karvan, one of Australia's most successful actors. The event was held two weeks after the infamous Cronulla Riots and it aimed to teach young people media, interpersonal, communication and leadership skills. The program was held in late December 2005.

Keysar Trad speaking to the participants at Parliament House

A section of the participants

Participants and speakers for a flag ceremony during the leadership program

K Trad, Rowan Woods, Sylvia Hales MLC (Greens), Claudia Karvan and Dr. Peter Wong MLC (Unity)

One of the participants holds the NSW flag whilst Indigenous Australian Adam Hill opens the program with traditional music.

Keysar Trad and Australian actress Claudia Karvan

Trad, Karvan and participants.

Dr Peter Wong MLC speaking to the participants.

Ms. Sylvia Hale MLC with one of the participants

Rowan woods addressing the participants.

1 comment:

  1. It was a pity that the Aboriginal flag was not raised at the ceremony because the existing NSW and Australian flags do not properly represent
    a multicultural and multiracial society.
