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Monday, February 23, 2009

Interfaith program for community leaders, The lives and Achievements of Christ and Muhammad Peace and blessings upon them both

This was a program for Muslim and Christian community leaders to hold a spiritual and intellectual discussion of the lives and achievements of the two great men of God, Christ and Muhammad peace and blessings upon the both, the speeches will follow insha Allah, now here are some photos (most of the photos are courtesy of John Immig):

PS, this program was jointly convened in Dec 05 by the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia Inc. in partnership with the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta and Initiatives of Change.

Lawyer Richard Mitry contributing to the discussion.

Leaders Omar Jamal and Jamal Jebbara.

Guests sharing a lift supper.

Consul General of Egypt contributing to the discussion.

UCA Rev Helen Richmond contributing to the discussion.

Prof. Rifaat Ebied contributing to the discussion.

The program was most ably facilitated by radio personality Mr. Noel Dubien.

A section of the participants.

Mr. David Mills and Ms. Julie Owen MP.

Dr. Mohammad Al Nakeeb contributing to the discussion.

One of the presenters Dr. Ibrahim Abu Mohammad and K Trad.

Melkite Archbishop Issam Darwich contributing to the discussion.

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